Elizabeth Tomassetti '25

Q: What made you decide to attend Bonner & Prendie? 
A: As a 7th-grade student at Notre Dame, I visited several schools. When I visited Bonner & Prendie for an open house, I loved it. I knew some students already and thought it was cool how they greeted me. We went around the building and into the art room. I already knew I liked art, but Mr. Lenge was the one who drew me into the program. He was funny and passionate about it. Bonner & Prendie has three art classrooms, too. I visited Archbishop Carroll, but the art program was much better at Bonner & Prendie. So, the art program and Mr. Lenge are why I chose to become a student here. 
Q: What art classes have you enjoyed as a student? 
A: Our school offers one art class per year. I’m currently taking an Honors Art class, as well as several other AP classes. I like the variety of projects we do in art here. Each project is so different, it teaches us to develop or use different skill sets for every project. I learned how to sketch as a freshman. Mr. Lenge also teaches you how to see a piece of paper as more than two- dimensional because it has six sides. So, he teaches us how to see things around us. 
Q: What activities do you participate in? 
A: I’m really involved in the theater program. I started participating in the stage crew for productions during my freshman year, and now I am the stage manager. Over the years, I’ve worked on productions like Godspell, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and Grease. This year, I helped with High School Musical and Footloose. Nick Spica ’12, the general contractor for carpentry, builds the stage sets and taught me everything I know about set building. 
As the stage manager, Nick tells me what is needed, and I delegate tasks to the underclassmen. I show them how to build things and oversee their work. Mr. McKenzie is another person who runs the stage crew. He orders the lights for the production, and I help to hang the lights. Then, I recruit people to staff the lights during the show. On average we have about 50 students participating in each play, from stage crew to acting. 
During shows, it’s my job to ensure everyone is where they need to be. I oversee the crew backstage, who directs the actors, and two prop managers. I also participate in meetings and help keep everyone informed. Apart from theater, I participate in track and field, the Respect Life Club, the Community Service Corps (CSC), and the National Honors Society. As a runner, I like working towards a personal record. 
Q: What makes the arts so exceptional at Bonner & Prendie?
A: It’s the teachers, the director, and everyone involved. For the art program, Mr. Lenge puts so much effort into making sure he teaches the right thing. He’s so funny. He brings the classroom to life. It’s a great environment. 
For theater, so many people come together to make each production happen. It’s cool to see everything come together when Opening Night finally arrives. Beforehand, we always think, “OMG, how is this going to happen?!” But it always does because of our community. 
Q: What do you enjoy most about the arts at B & P? 
A: I always knew I liked the arts, but my experience in high school has only made me love art more. It’s also taught me the importance of deadlines and getting work in by deadlines. 
Q: What do you want to do after high school? 
A: I want to do art, possibly even paint scenes for plays. We paint our sets with a base color, and then someone adds the details. I want to major in art and be that person. 
I’ve had a great experience at Bonner & Prendie so far. I’m glad I decided to go here, and I’m especially glad I decided to pursue art.