Underclass Exams:
Students report to Homeroom for attendance then bell will alert movement to Block 1
Blocks run as follows:
Block 1 - 8:15-9:15
Block 2 - 9:25-10:25
Block 3 - 10:40-11:40
*Students who do not have a Block 3 exam are to report to the cafeteria until dismissal
Friday, June 9th - Science/ELA/World Language
Monday, June 12th - Social Studies/Theology/BCIT
Tuesday, June 13th - Math/Health&PE/Double BCIT/SS
Wednesday, June 14th - MASS (grades 9-11) and Make ups*
Only those under class who need to make up an exam are required to stay after MASS
Thursday, June 15th - Clerical Day Grades due 9 AM (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
Friday, June 16th - Validations due 10 AM, Faculty Meeting, etc (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)